Furniture upholstery / Car upholstery / Yacht upholstery
The Leather Specialist Upholstery & Interiors is an Netherlands-based company focused on creating high-quality custom luxurious upholstered furniture and interiors. Every piece of furniture we create is designed around our customers with exceptional attention to detail and their imaginative ideas.
The Leather Specialist has been active as an upholsterer for superyachts since 2009. Whether it concerns exterior cushions for built-in sofas or loose furniture. Covers that protect your luxury furniture or custom-made mattresses. We are committed to add value & improving performance at all stages. With precise project management, appropriate logistics and personal installation on board we provide on-time delivery.
Camper stoelen en banken en stuur laten bekleden, super mooi gedaan. Echt vakwerk
M. hendrickx
Magnificent work done by Milen, I am delighted with the result. He is an upholstery artist! Fast and efficient like him alone! Highly recommended
Aitor Llamas
Very good work. The steering wheel has left me like new. You choose the type of leather you want, the seams of the color you want. Very professional. It upholsters it from one day to the next. I recommend it 100%. I'm very happy.
Juanjo Tenorio
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